Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A Rant and A Question??

Ok so today i went for my 18 weeks ultrasound and i was a little worried when the doctor took 25min, just on the heart, the whole ultrasound took about 1hr. I asked the tech, is everything ok and most times they will say everything looks good here but in my case he said ';you'll have to talk to the doc about your results'; The doc then tels me that the tech couldn't see the back of the babies brain, part of the heart, the ears and liver. I thought being this far along they would have a better idea of how my baby is growing. I am so worried now cause they said i need to go for another ultrasound in 2 weeks time. I'm more scared that something will be wrong with my baby(because of todays ultrasound) and i won't be able to handle it, emotionally.

He said he couldn't definately tell me the sex but if he had to guess based on what he saw on the screen it was a girl. I'm now finding it hard to be excited about the baby.

Have any of you gone through something like this?A Rant and A Question??
I honestly hope you don't take offense to my answer, and I hope with all my heart that everything turns out alright, but instead of reassuring you that everything will be alright (which no one can do right now), I'm just going to be honest. The truth is, the doc doesn't know what's going on. If he honestly knew that something was wrong, he would be legally obligated to tell you, or risk a malpractice lawsuit. There's a number of reasons why this could've happened, perhaps the baby wasn't positiioned well, maybe a faulty machine, or an incompetent technician (they are just techs, not doctors), or, at the very worst, maybe there is something seriously wrong. I'm sure when you go back in 2 weeks they'll definitely be able to give you more information. The more positive news is, though, usually if there is severe brain or spinal cord injuries or malformations, the fetus will generally be aborted during the first trimester by the body, and you're well past that stage. Also, with technology today, doctors can fix a lot of problems before the baby's born, if it's caught early enough, and it really sounds that that's what the doc is trying to do, catch a potential problem before it becomes worse. I'm sure that the next 2 weeks will be hell waiting, but just try to relax. I wish you the best.A Rant and A Question??
I would advise you to just try to relax for now. I know it's hard not to worry about it but the stress will just make you crazy. Often the baby won't cooperate and get in a good position, 18 weeks is a little early to be doing this ultrasound anyways. At my hospital the standard policy is to wait until at least 20 weeks. At this time it is much easier to see everything they need to see. I know when I went in to have the ultrasound done at 20 weeks with my son it took over an hour and a half to get all of the pictures they needed. He was being stubborn and would not roll over! The technician jiggled my belly, had me in various positions and tilted the bed every which way!

That being said, try to reserve your anxieties until you know something definite. And remember, in the off chance that there is something wrong- today's medical technology allows us to fix, cure, treat or control so many conditions and it may just be something very minor. I wish you all the best luck and congratulations on your baby!
It could just be that the positioning of the baby was bad.
First, that tech was very insensitive....not a good quality in a doctor's office. If ultrasounds worked the first try every time, they wouldn't rub the scope all over the tummy looking for a good shot. I honestly believe that everything's fine...just wrong day, wrong time.

But, just to put your mind at ease, call a DIFFERENT doctor, and ask if it's possible to NOT get a clear pic @ 18weeks on an ultrasound. Depending on their reply, you know if your doc (and assistants) are doing their job.
I don't know.... sounds like the baby may have just been positioned badly.

At 18 weeks they're supposed to be able to see pretty clearly. I mean, he told you it's a girl... that's being able to see pretty clearly, boys are usually easier to tell.

Are they using older sonogram equipment?

Did you ask your doctor what the deal was?

They are supposed to tell you if something is wrong. If they let you go and didn't tell you somethings wrong then it's probably okay....

Just breathe easy until your next sonogram. It will be a horrible 2 weeks just waiting like this, but you'll be 20 weeks and surely by then they can tell you what's going on.

And if you didn't ask the doc, then call up there and ask. It's your right to know as a patient.

Good luck with this. I hope everything turns out well.
There could be a number of reasons why they couldn't see those things. Try not to stress too much. I know it's got to be hard, but just pray and trust that everything will work out. When you go to your next ultrasound, ask a lot of questions. I'm sure they'll probably be sending you to a specialist. Technology has advanced a lot over the years so even if there is some sort of defect, there is a VERY good chance that everything will be fine with your baby. At this point, there is no reason to give up hope, so keeping thinking the best.
I don't know what to tell you but I hope everything is alright with the baby. Try not to worry too much.

I wish you the best!
It could very well be that your baby was not in a good position to see everything. At this point there is nothing you can do but wait. I know it's hard, but try to get your mind off of everything. My thoughts will be with you.
Just pray and dont worry so is normal for them to say things like that due to all of the law suits out there for malpractice. Doc's don't make as much money as people think they do now a day.

Take a deep breath the doctor would had already talked to you if their was a problem that needed to concern you with. Make another appointment and talk to him if you are really worried. But not being able to see those parts and the child not being dead are unlikely. There would be no child. I'm sure you are fine so take a deep breath. Thank God for you blessing and rub your tummy and tell your little girl that you are looking forward to seeing her. Then find another doctor to finish your pregnancy.
Ugh..this is one of the curses of ultrasound. Hopefully everything will turn out ok. One of my friends was told her baby's measurements were off (head was way too small) and her triple screen for down's syndrome came back positive. She had to wait and wait for an amnio and it came back negative, meaning her baby was ok. Her child is perfectly healthy now.
Baby probably was just in a bad position. When I had an ultrasound with my first baby the doctor told me that something may be developing wrong with the heart and they did another ultrasound and everything was okay. She is now 3 1/2 and no problems.
Try not to worry too much. Similar thing happen to me. I was 19 weeks when they did the ultrasound and the baby was in a position where they were unable to see and check her lower spine. They re-scheduled the ultrasound for two weeks later and thank God everything was normal. Some times babies cooperate, other times they don't :).
You can hope and pray that the baby was in a position that blocked those areas.

They would not have looked for them and forewarned you if the areas would not be developed at your current gestation.

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