Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Rant about my generation ( Early 20's~ )?

Our generation is lazy, selfish, unwilling to commit and unwilling to make an effort.

Suppose we compare someone of an older generation, say my parents. Metaphorically speaking,

when they left the harbor for the sea of life, they left prepared. Along the road on the sea,

the sails of their boat got ripped, and so they patched them. They continued sailing, and sometimes the wind would change,

So they would tack to keep their sails full. Now compare someone of our generation to this scenario and it would look something like this:

The person sets off from the harbor, and enjoys the ride. The sails get ripped, but he doesn't bother patching them, he can still get some wind.

The wind changes, and instead of tacking, he gives up and puts a motor on his boat. He rides fast and enjoys it, but sooner or later, the motor runs out of gas.Rant about my generation ( Early 20's~ )?
Very nice metaphor. I work as a therapist at a college and this is what I deal with on a daily basis...Generation Me is, generally speaking, narcissistic, rude, and possess a strong sense of entitlement. They are not willing to work hard (some students have come to me in the hopes that I will talk to their instructors to change their grades) and give up too easily. They are not the only ones to blame. Their parents and teachers (elementary and high school) are responsible for the way they turned out.

By the way, I'm in my late 20s. :)Rant about my generation ( Early 20's~ )?
Very deep discussion here.

I hope I won't end up like that.

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