Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Rant about life?

I hate life!

Im so friggin unhappy about everything and there is nothing i can do to change my situation. I've lost everyone i ever gave a damn about and now im all alone in this big cold world. Im trying to cope with school but its so hard when the people who use to be ur friends flaunt there happiness infront of you and purposely try to make you misrable then come to you when they need school help - USERS - i feel so f***ed up and i dont know what to do. I want to stop now. On top of all the school issues i have 4 exams and 2 assignments all next week. Do you rekon i could get someone to do my maths assignment for me? Due to life malfunction. Abondonment sucks ***. I wish i knew how to handle everything. So here's my question, what the hell is so wrong with me that i dont deserve general kindness that the world gives to complete strangers?Rant about life?
You remind me of a Dennis Leary Rant. You should go and listen to his comedy routines about unhappy people.

One thing I learned from him.

Happieness comes in small doses, a cigarette, sex, a good cookie. Enjoy those small times, because the rest is bland for everyone.

You smoke the cigarette...

You Finish in the bed...

You eat the cookie...

And you go to f*cking work in the morning... just like everyone else in the world.Rant about life?
theres too much pent up anger going on with your life,maybe you need to take a break,loosen up a bit.and stop comparing yourself to others,for there will always be greater and lesser person than you are,learn to appreciate yourself more,and start counting your blessings,whenever i felt bad about myself i make it a point to remember my positive points and i never dwell on my mistakes or flaws.cheer up theres nothing wrong with you, all you need is give yourself a break..
Happiness comes from within. I know it is hard to be in your place but you can't just sits around and keep on wondering of what is wrong with you that you don't deserve the general kindness.Corrections are you do deserve the kindness and no there is nothings wrong with you.Maybe you need to change the way you think and your preceptions to the world.Like the way you judge your friends.I believes one's thought on a circumstances is much more stronger than the things itself.In this life people are usually caught up in their own issues and that's why it is hard to recieve kindness from them sometimes.Therefore you need to start giving the kindness to yourself by loving your self more and realize that you have only one life to live. Use your chance fully and believes me Thoughts Are Things so lives you day with positive thinking .

Rant of the month........?

I go to the store, I get a dirty look from the checker because I don't look like the prime example of a male. I then go get insurance and get scolded by the female staff for not having a perfect driving record. Why do people go out of there way to make you feel bad if you don't look good? If you're not suave or match up to traditional standards but you done nothing wrong. Why do woman hold you to these standards as if your their dad, or husband but I'm just a guy and have nothing to do with these woman. Does this happen to you?Rant of the month........?
Cause people are judgemental. I say, forget them and do you. Life is too short to worry about what others think. You are gunna get judged everyday of your life. Toughen that skin up.Rant of the month........?
Just tell them that if they expect to take your money, they treat with a little respect. It shouldn't matter what you look like. Remind them that the paying customer is the one enabling them to collect a paycheck.

RANT - Anyone else tired of the weather making you sick?

Last year from Nov. - Feb I seemed to be sick non-stop! It seemed the weather here in GA would go from hot to cold! These past few weeks it's gone from like 72 or higher to now being in the 40's! It is crazy.

It seems everyone I know has sinus problems, allergies, a cold and just plain sick!

Anyone else sick of the weather making sick? I was at the Ear, Nose and Throat dr just before Thanksgiving with the mess I am still dealing with! He said it's from running the air conditioner one day then heat the next.

My kids are at my inlaws this week so my hubby %26amp; I can get some SANTA shopping done yet I'm feeling to sick to enjoy it and last thing I want right now is to out Christmas shopping. lolRANT - Anyone else tired of the weather making you sick?
It's been like 10 below here for the last couple weeks. I developed bronchitis and an ear infection from the cold irritating my mucous membranes. My doc gave me these antibiotics which say to stay out of the sun, but guess what? My in-laws bought me and my husband a cruise to Mexico starting Sunday! So what does he expect me to do? Stay inside for a week? Give me a break! He knew I was going and gave me the stuff anyway. Okay so I know this isn't exactly a rant about the weather, but it's sort of related I guess. I called and am going to pick up some different drugs right now.RANT - Anyone else tired of the weather making you sick?
i'm sick of the weather making me sick!!!!!

my job gave us a free flu shot though, love it
I AM i live in colrado and it goes from a foot deep of snow to 60 degrees in one day always gets me sick.
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  • What aspects of modern feminism are not centred on emotional ranting and/or propaganda based on false stats?

    Have you ever actually studied modern feminism? What part of you question is backed up by fact?What aspects of modern feminism are not centred on emotional ranting and/or propaganda based on false stats?
    None because everything feminist say is base on they ideology. For instance feminist belive that heterosexual intercourse is degrading to a women because the men is pumping his penis inside the vaginal. I always ask myself why the government pay for feminist policies because 80% of what they say is based on they twisted theories.What aspects of modern feminism are not centred on emotional ranting and/or propaganda based on false stats?
    I'm waiting for the day when the only people who believe in feminism are the career and lifestyle feminists. They have fooled everyone else for 40 years, and that's an EXTREMELY long run given the lack of a rational basis for their arguments.

    What aspects of modern feminism are not centred on emotional ranting and/or propaganda based on false stats? Er... let me get back to you on that one...
    There is an element actually aimed at investigating the lack of women in the highest pursuits of our society (science, engineering, business leading, etc.) and finding ways to encourage their involvement.

    Unfortunately, it isn't a very large element - actually trying to equalize the culture threatens the SAHMs, which isn't a politically apt thing to do.
    Having a down day are we? C'mon Eoghan, that's not ';hot!'; ;)

    If you behave yourself you may be in line for a sticker!

    It was fun, though some sourpuss reported the results page. Do you think CAustin realises he was runner-up?
    they are usually quiet and beaming with pride when they have just finished making a whole heap of sammiches and cut them into triangles and cut the crusts off and put them on plates with paper doilies.
    ';What aspects of modern feminism are not centred on emotional ranting and/or propaganda based on false stats?';

    Sexual liberation.
    None! Feminist discourse = emotional ranting, Gender studies/gendered research = propoganda and lies!

    Anti-feminist rhetoric no matter unintelligible, backed with DIY research and 'Mickey Mouse' - think of a number and add 3 statistics as long as they mention men = solid scientific, social fact!

    And the hypocrisy in your questions and interpretation of that which disagrees with anything you posit is what exactly..cold hard logic?

    I am not dragging the woman's name through the mud, I base my opinions of her on my knowledge of the shelter movement and her role in its inception, her work and writing, as well as having had the opportunity to listen to her in person, discuss issues with her, and form a cogent criticism.

    You asserted that feminists murdered her dog...and believe that based on what the coroner's report?

    The accusation of hysteria, and blind acceptance should be levelled closer to home. However, Erin will be delighted to know she has ardent supporters.

    How does one draw a 'yawn' on here using the syntax keys?

    Career feminism..what GCE options should i have taken for that then? lol and what do career masculinists/humanists pro men's right activists work at...lol?

    Rant on Twilight. Answer if you agree with what I'm saying?

    Alright, is anyone else annoyed beyond rational belief by the insane

    popularity of the Twlight series? I for one am. I am sure its a really good

    book, Ive only read the first chapter though. But its just so unbelieveably

    annoying how obsessed people get. Theres like groups of people who talk

    about the books constantly. They said they were going to wait outside the

    movie theater for like 2 days or something the day it comes out. Its

    ridiculous. How can anyone let a book series consume their life? i just

    dont understand. Some girls say theyre ';in love'; with Edward. How can you

    be in love with a fictional character? Its lunacy I tell you! You can bash

    this if you want, but I could care less. I am not degrading the book, I am

    simply saying that the fans who are exceedingly obsessed are obnoxious. Rant on Twilight. Answer if you agree with what I'm saying?
    i mean i love this whole series. all 4 of the books are amazing. the 2nd one is soo sad and the 4th one is jst amaaazing.

    what realy annoys me is how everyone at my school is reading it now. seriously, people who dont like reading (and who i thought didnt even know how to read!) at all are reading it. 2 girls even got that crystal heart charm that edward gave bella...i'm tired of the stupid poseurs reading these books! They're just reading it cus its popular. I think that unbeleivably dumb. Bring back the actual readers!Rant on Twilight. Answer if you agree with what I'm saying?
    i totaly agree, but it is the exact same with like the harry potter books, star wars, lord of the ring etc you know? they all sit outside the theater for days and wait for their movies to come out, it is absurd!
    I do agree that people are overly obsessed with the book.

    I'm a fan of the book, but not crazy obsessive about it.

    Rant...With all of these right to choose laws passing, do you think.....?

    the human race will eventually kill itself off? I mean we have the right to abort a child, we have the right to not have heterosexual sex, which will definately decrease the pregnancy rate. We have the right to be celebate. With all of these kind of rights, who in their right mind would choose to do what is morally correct, especially when they are viewed as religious brainwashed idiots and looked down upon by the majority of society if they do? I mean if people have all of these rights, don't they have the right to be selfish, live solely for themselves and never have children? Isn't that what society today is claiming that if you don't go after what you want, and only what you want then your a stupid idiot? Who in their right mind would have a child in todays society?Rant...With all of these right to choose laws passing, do you think.....?
    well you are right that society has become more selfish as it a religion of me, myself and I. But we will reap the consequences of same later down the line.Rant...With all of these right to choose laws passing, do you think.....?
    ';the right to not have heterosexual sex';

    as opposed to the good old days of complusory coitus? huh?

    ';We have the right to be celebate.';

    and you actually have a PROBLEM with that concept? how utterly horrific. there's a book you'd just LOVE, it's called The Handmaid's Tale. it's a dystopian future, but you'd no doubt think of it as the feel-good book of the century.

    you really haven't the faintest clue WHAT you're babbling on about. I know many happy, wonderful, atheist parents. they're feminists, too.
    the human race will not kill itself off because God wouldnt let that happen and i would have children because it is right
    Children are over rated. My wife and I have been married 15 years this December and do not have children and do not want any.

    This world is way over populated, but abortion, homosexuality and couples like us will not put a dent in the population explosion.

    Yes, we have these rights and people are going to keep enjoying them. the days of thinking you have to get married have 4 children and the man work and the woman stays home pregnant and barefooted are over. If that is what you like then fine but don't rain on our parade.

    Only by use of technology. Eventually, someone somewhere will use technology to wipe entire populations out.

    Same-sex relationships and abortion will never decrease the population. There are so many children being born every minute in the world, that any lack of ';productivity'; by one segment of the population would not affect the population boom.
    Stick around, it really looks like things are going to change big time.
    Do you ascertain that getting married and having children is what is morally correct? According to whose morals?

    We are a more selfish society, or so it seems. Don't be fooled, people in older days were just as selfish and far more cruel.

    I live for myself but I also take people into consideration, at least, those people I care about. I'm not particularly fond of children and don't really want one. What's wrong with that? Our planet is over-populated as it is because people just keep on breeding like rabbits!

    The right to celebacy is many centuries old. Anyone who wanted to lead a celebate life could join the priesthoods, the church, convents, monasteries or just remained unmarried. If not joined to some religious church or sect, it was frowned upon not to marry and have children for the simple reason that in those days it was necessary. People in general died at a younger age, more people were killed in wars, by plagues, etc. Incidentally, that is the reason why traditionally women didn't participate in war and battles. Who would produce the next generation of soldiers if as many women died as men on the battlefields?

    If you are religious and believe you have to get married and have children to be morally right in your own opinion, then do so. I definately don't look down on you for it, so long as you can properly take care of your children.

    Its our over-populated, consumer consumption, greed-driven societies coupled with our total disregard for the planet or the nature that we are part of, that will destroy our race in the end. Unless we stop our petty shyt here on earth and start reaching for the stars.... :)

    RANT...Sister inlaw...?

    So my sister in law made me so sick yesterday! She is a single mom recently engaged. She always cries oh I need help, my daughters need, blah, blah, blah! I recently had two more children and I could use a hand frommy mom inlaw BUT she ALWAYS needs a sitter, she always NEEDS a hand and I am always alone with three. I know they are my kids but it would be nice to have lunch with my parents inlaw, they are getting older and I want my kids to hvae time with them. ANYWAY, she is always topping her sister they have daughters the same age. Her sister has an income of 300,000 per year aposed to her 30,000 which now she is unemployed. my point is she buys her kids 400 coats from abercrombie and holister clothes, expensive phones, and big jewelry an dlets her soon to be 14 year old rule her world. Let alone won't fight for child support because she is afraid if she does she won't be able to dump her kids so she can shack up over the weekend with the new fiance and mind you she can'tRANT...Sister inlaw...?
    Your perfectly reasonable.

    Send a card and nothing else, IF THAT!

    She is obviously a mother who believes in buying love. Her shacking up with her man is causing guilt but that $300 coat for her kids makes her feel like its okay and makes kids think mama really puts them first.

    Keep being yourself. Your a dang good mommy and have your head on right.

    Remember, everything you do good in life, comes back to you 10x greater and everything you do in life bad (meaning the world revolve around her and her kids) will nip her in the rear 10x more when they grow up and want all that and cant afford it and file bankruptcy at 22 years old. Your setting an EXCELLENT example just by being you.

    Ignore and stand proud!


    See, we noticed!RANT...Sister inlaw...?
    Love her. It aint worth the drama sotooping to her level. Her girls are about at the age to get really wild and worse.
    Its time to teach her how to not keep taking a hand out from the family...stand firm.....not give in.....
    Stand your ground.
    Feel better??

    My husband's mom favors his sister too. She has been living on welfare for most of the 10 years I have known her. His mom practically raised her youngest. She has her kids all the time and takes them with her everywhere she goes. She (his siter) also spends her money frivolously when she gets it. I know it can be irritating, but at the same time I feel sorry for her. I have a nice house, a good husband, healthy, happy kids that know they are worth more than the clothes that they wear. She is trying to make herself seem important by buying expensive clothes. She feels like trash on the inside, and she is trying to hide it.

    Instead of looking at her with disgust, be glad you don't have to live in her petty world, that you have a stable home and that you will raise your kids right.

    We used to get irritated by the obvious favoritism, but then began to realize that his mom knows our kids are taken care of, and that her kids need extra guidance, so if it seems she spends more time with your nieces, it may be for the same reason. Take it as a compliment, not an insult.
    Yes you are being way to harsh and jealous. If your mother in law wants to watch her kids then thats her thing...keep your nose out of it. She will always have more closer bond with her own daughter then you...thats her blood. I think you need to mind your own business and focus more on your family and not the sister in law's issues.

    ADD: Your sick of hearing her crap? well stop being the stupid one and listening to it...no one is making you. Yea its your husbands mother but he is not the one on here b!tching about this its YOU!! Grow up. You are sooo jealous.

    Rant About School System, Anyone Agree?

    Hello, I'm 14 and in the 8th grade. I go to a school that's both a high school and a middle school, and to be honest, I don't want to go on to high school. I want to drop out, really bad... but why not? All these expectations.

    You have to graduate. You have to get a job. You have to have money. All these statistics they MAKE, not let us, but MAKE us live up to until we're old to enough to where THEY think we can make our own decisions. Didn't do your homework? Well, I guess I'll give you a really bad look and tell you that you're going to fail?

    They tell us to think, but once someone finally does think and says, ';Uh, why do we have to graduate?'; They point they're machine guns at us, tell us to study, and give off a nazi solute.

    I get what they're trying to tell us, because it is kind of true. Without a diploma, life WILL be harder in a lot of cases, but who gives a ****? We should still be aloud to decide what we want for ourselves, because, well, isn't this America?Rant About School System, Anyone Agree?
    While I don't completely agree, I do see where you're coming from. You basically have a very libertarian view about life, it seems. You're not saying that the education system is necessarily bad for everyone, you're just saying that you think that people should have a choice about whether to particpate in it or not.

    As a teacher, I sometimes feel the same way. We should let students decide whether or not they want to be there. If they don't want to be there, do us both a favor and don't waste your time or mine. Let the other students in the class learn the material I'm teaching and you can make a decision about what you're going to do with your life.

    It does make sense to a certain extent, doesn't it? I'm not sure young students should really have the same freedoms as adults, though. If we let six year olds decide whether to eat ice cream or broccoli, they'd probably mostly all choose ice cream. If you don't require students to go to school or do homework, they probably won't. You don't appreciate some things until you're older. A lot of the things I was forced to do when I was younger are things that I appreciate now. You can't always see that at age 14 (I'm 27 and thinking back to that time).

    I think your point should apply to older people, though. Or maybe students who have demonstrated some kind of competence (that would be hard to test, though). I do recommend staying in school. Like you said, you will be better off with a diploma. You might feel resentful that you're being ';forced,'; but don't think of it like that. Just do it for yourself. Or don't. But think things through before making a decision that affects your life like this.Rant About School System, Anyone Agree?
    Yes it is America but if you want to be able to be able to support yourself, have a job of your choice or anything else really you need to finish high school. In Australia though we seem to have more options. We can go to a Technical High School (new) where they teach you trades, Traineeships, Apprenticeships, Tafe (Community College) or University. I say go all the way, no point in dropping out.
    if you want to be a loser, do it your way. if you want to be succesful, take the advice from the adults who have been in the real world.
    Wow your dumb. School is the most important thing in anyone's life.
    Are you complaining about the teachers of your parents? Your teachers value education and believe in their hearts that the best educated have the best opportunities for making educated choices and they believe that the world can benefit from the future leadership of educated people. How can you expect educated people who have dedicated their lives to educating new generations to see things in any other way? Believe it or not, the more educated you become the more ways you might find to make education more meaningful, interesting and rewarding for the next generation.

    If you don't like things the way they are become educated in all of the possible alternatives and then become a motivator of change.

    If you are mad at your parents then send them this message.

    Rant:: Why Are People Jumping to So Many Conclusions About The Third Movie In The Batman Series?

    Okay so, here's a note to start out. This is part rant, part question okay?

    So what I want to find out is why people are jumping to so many conclusions about the third movie in the batman series. Secondly, I want to know why people think that the joker is going to be in anymore of the movies. I'm sorry to crush a lot of people's dreams but, it's never going to happen because no sane actor will touch that role. Too much comparison and criticism would come with it. And then people say that Harley Quinn will be in the next movie. As I said above, the joker will (most likely) not be in anymore of them, so....why would Harley be showing up? The following text is coming from a die-hard Harley Quinn fan. If Harley Quinn is in the next Batman movie, I will NOT see it.(I might if the movie looks AMAZING!) My reason is that they will RUIN her! Have you seen what they did to her in Arkham Asylum? They make her look like a slutty whore who runs around in skimpy out fits! People who watched Batman: The Animated Series, Justice League, or who has read the comics would know that Harley isn't really like that.(much)

    So now what I want is your opinions because I would really enjoy listening to what others have to say! :)Rant:: Why Are People Jumping to So Many Conclusions About The Third Movie In The Batman Series?
    I have never seen the animated series or read any of the comics. But I am a huge fan of all 6 Batman films so far. I always thought that Harley Quinn would be a great addition to the films. But I agree with you that her character should stay true to the comics. I also agree with you about The Joker. I hope no one else ever plays that role. Even if Heath Ledger were still alive I believe the films should move on to new characters.Rant:: Why Are People Jumping to So Many Conclusions About The Third Movie In The Batman Series?
    I prefer the darker Burton/Nolan version of Batman/Dark Knight over the Batman/Robin combo
    There is a slight way to do Harley Quinn

    Joker was her patient at Arkhaim. At the end of DK he is sent there.

    Maybe a not so much seen Joker.

    other then that, since Nolan only signed for 3 movies, and this is supposed to be his last (if he decides to do one), lets do the ultimate ending.

    BANE ';Knightfall';

    Yes i refer to that pittifull excuse of a villian in Batman and Robin.

    but that was told terrible wrong.


    Bane, a South American prisoner has spent many years in prison and has built his body into ultimate shape. Scientists want to build the ultimate soldier and experiement on him. They put armor over vital organs and use the serum to enhance strength and such.

    I think something goes wrong and he gets loose. Now how and why he targets Batman i dont remember.

    But he breaks into Arkaim and frees tons of Batman's worst villians. His plan, to weaken Batman by making him have to round up all the others. Then step in and destroy batman.

    In their battle Batman is nearly paralyzed, forcing Batman to give up the mask to a aprentice.

    I assume Bane is soon beaten. But this new batman is more ruthless, and doesnt live by the same standards Bruce Wayne had.

    When the name Batman and the way of life Bruce Wayne lived by are threatened he must recover from injuries and take back the title.
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  • Rant::Do I not have the right to be angry about this? What should I do?

    My old best friend has replaced me with a fictional character named Bella from the vampire book series, Twilight. Then she started dressing like me (i wear red and black) because she wanted to dress like a vampire. She even claims she has vampire fangs becuase of these two braces that hang from the roof of her mouth.

    She had called me once to ask me where I got a red sweater. omfg, she I told her how my mom forced me to go shopping and found this black pleated skirt I wanted to get. Today, she was wearing that very same skirt.. with a red shirt, of course.

    We had a 1 sentence (hers) arguement and I feel that she thinks everyone's better off without me. What got her angry was thanks to Princess *****, who has a grudge on me and will not shut up for hours until you give up.

    Do I not have the right to be angry? What should I do about this? I'm still friends with only one person out of the original friends, and we have an away field trip coming up %26amp; we share room.

    X ShanaikaiRant::Do I not have the right to be angry about this? What should I do?
    It is understandable that you are upset. It is like this person has taken over your identity. But - to be fair - why would you tell her where you ever got anything, since she mimics everything you do and copies what you buy? Don't tell her. Or - better yet - hehheh...lie about it. Wouldn't it be nice to see her run her rear end ragged looking to steal your style?

    Don't get too involved with thinking you know what she thinks, though. That is a dead-end street. And it makes it worse, because the more you start focusing on that idea, the bigger it becomes until it just takes over your thoughts.

    I would just hold my head up and resolve to be nice to these people, almost like a game, not to let all this petty girly stupidity bother you. Easier said than done, I know.

    Rant and Rave - Want to walk out on the Job?

    So its Saturday and I'm at work. I've already put in 60 hours this week. It seems like there is never light at the end of the tunnel. I hate my job. I hate my boss. I have excema problems because of the stress. I just finished college so I have a degree. Thing is I make good money here. I've been looking for another job but they dont pay the same. The company I work for is growing very fast so there is alot of growing pains that come along with a place like this. BUt there are also lots of opportunities for growth that I wish I wouldnt have to give up. My boss gives a lot of empty promises. I just feel like I hate coming in. I really do. Job makes me feel stupip. Today I feel like I just want to pack my things and leave a resignation on her desk. I dont want to give up but I hate it here. Any advice? I have money saved up and my parents are very supportive so not having money to pay bills is not an issue. I just dont know how I would explain walking out of the job to a future employer.Rant and Rave - Want to walk out on the Job?
    If you're that unhappy, you need to quit. There is no reason to be that miserable in a place where you spend such a large chunk of your day-to-day life. Workplace stress can be extremely detrimental to your health (physical, mental and emotional) and can have negative effects on your non-work life (relationships, etc.) No amount of money is worth that. Not only that, but you're doing the company you work for huge disservice, because your unhappiness will show in your attitude and performance. If you just got out of college, then this job is kind of like a rite of passage---everyone has a job they hate and a boss they would rather piss on than work for, it's a part of life. And now that you've reached your breaking point, get ready to close the door and grow from the experience, because now you have a better understanding of what kind of job/boss you want and what you are not willing to settle for again. Find out what truly makes you happy, and the money will follow.

    That being said, don't quit in haste! That will only hurt your professional reputation, not your company or boss's. Start looking for another job NOW and as soon as you can, give the standard two weeks. Then on your last day, pour a can of coke into your boss's hard drive, put saran wrap over the toilets in the rest room, and get the hell out of dodge.Rant and Rave - Want to walk out on the Job?
    Good luck!!!!

    Report Abuse

    Oh how I understand where your coming from. I'm in the same boat you are. I wouldn't quit your job until you have another one though. I thought about up and quitting myself acouple times and in the long run it will hurt you. Just do what I do, keep looking for another job and when work starts to get to you just remind yourself your in process of moving on to bigger better things. I know you probably heard this a million times but money isn't everything. What good is having money when your too stressed and sick to enjoy it?

    I understand where your coming from about ranting and raving. Its better you get it out of your system this way as oppose as you going off at your job and getting fired. Go talk to a friend and do something you enjoy. Everything will work out fine.

    Rant, exclaim, or rumor?

    I'm going to get a new phone soon, and at first I thought I wanted the LG Rumor2, but then I after doing a lot of research I decided that the Samsung Rant was probably better. I still wanted see them in the store so I could play around with them a little bit, and see which keyboard was better, etc.

    I actually like the design of the Rant better, but I was suprised that the screen resolution on the Rumor 2 seemed a lot crisper than the Rant. Was it just that the phone at the sprint store was a little old so had a not as good resolution?? or is that actually the way it is.

    I currently have a MotoRazr V3m, and one of the things I actually like about it is that is has a very nice, crisp resolution screen. So I want another phone with a screen like that. Before I was definitly leaning towards the rant, because it had a lot better features, but the less-than-great resolution screen kind of turned me away.

    Now I am considering the Samsung Exclaim, but unfortunately they didnt have that for me to try out at the sprint store. Is the screen clearer than the rant (and the rumor2)?

    I'm pretty sure I don't want a rumor, but out of the other two what do you think I should get?Rant, exclaim, or rumor?
    i like the samsung exclaim.

    Rant about school system.?

    So last night, I was helping my nephew with his first grade reading assignment. He was to read a five sentence short story called ';Iggy the Iguana';, and then, cut out each line and re paste it on a piece of construction paper in order. Okay, fair enough, Here's the kicker. As I was reading this story, I see what should have been the word ';because'; was replaced TWICE with ';cuz';. Yes, the teacher typed the story out this way, so he thought that was how you spelled because, and was trying to teach his kindergarten age sister. We corrected them of course, then crossed the word out on his homework replacing it with the correct word. Isn't this ridiculous. I didn't realize we were teaching our kids netspeak in first grade. Anyone run into anything similar? Just curious.Rant about school system.?
    its ridiculous.......i wont let my kids watch winnie the pooh because of backwards letters and wrong spellings, i cant imagine the fit i would have if my child teacher started it too. you have every right to be angry, and i hope you get it stopped.Rant about school system.?
    OMG that's shocking. As a teacher I would never do that, but the level of some teachers' English leaves a lot to be desired! My Mum is a deputy headteacher and both her and her headteacher would go crazy if they knew a member of their teaching staff was doing such a thing! Report to headteacher immediately. Tut tut.

    edit - thankfully they are in the minority, and I have to say, I completely disagree with home-schooling.
    Wow, that is pretty bad, i would definitely talk to the teacher about that and if they don't correct their mistake talk to the principal. We relocated our daughter from kindergartens because the kids already knew gang signs and the teachers had no clue. Makes me wonder what they did all day.
    No. :]

    Probably just a mistake.

    Or...his teacher's relatives typed it.
    i would cantact the teacher and explain it

    no accusations, or anything, just explaining
    Wow never came acrossed that. I think you should or the parents should have a talk with the teacher about this.
    The Junie B Jones book series, aimed at first graders, is full of colloquial misspellings like that. A strong first grade reader will actually appreciate noticing the misspellings %26amp; figuring out why they were spelled like that (to sound like 'how people talk' phonetically). Most of my first grade daughter's friends who are in her reading level at school *love* the Junie books.

    It's possible that your nephew's teacher felt he was ready for that lesson at this point. If you don't think so, the best thing to do is for his parent to talk to the teacher about the lessons being presented to him.
    I have never come across a teacher writing in this manner, but i found that my son does. There have been several times that i had to make him re-write a paper because of his language use. He claims that he doesn't even realize he is making that mistake. I think the whole problem is that we are in the world of texting and chatting online using our own form of shorthand.

    I think you need to let the mistake known to the teacher and let her know your concerns. If the problem isn't corrected, then maybe seek help from the principle. However, it probably was an honest mistake.

    Rant (Sorry this kinda reflects my sarcastic sense of humor too).?

    I fail because I hate my jobs, my life. I fail because I have come to realize the truth; that I am not a unique or perfect snowflake. I am exactly like EVERY other person on this planet, without a single unique noteworthy thing about me. I am just a random, useless windbag that spends my days consuming perfectly good oxygen. I am one of the approximately 90 billion human drones that stuffs himself into a tiny little cardboard prison called a cubicle for 8 hours everyday without sunlight to save money for things I don't need/won't have and a retirement that I will never get to enjoy. I also fail because I too realize that this drone life that I live is, in fact, better than what many on this planet live in, and yet I find I am unable to come to work everyday with a smile and pretend like everyday is some kind of retarded amazing gift, like those idiot motivational posters suggest I should.Rant (Sorry this kinda reflects my sarcastic sense of humor too).?
    yes yes and yes.

    I feel the exact same way. I know that I'm much better off than others but I still can't appreciate my life and I feel depressed all the time which frustrates me further.

    I also recently had the same epiphany; I'm useless and generic. But there's nothing you or I can do about it. So you go back to your cardboard prison tomorrow and I'll sit, imprisoned in my tiny room and pretend I'm happy. Deal?

    At least you figured this out after living the fun part of your life. I'm 15 and I'm hopeless. I scare my own family.Rant (Sorry this kinda reflects my sarcastic sense of humor too).?
    is this a question probably not lol u make some good points though,i like the idea of reflection i'm all about that.But i'm also about living and trying not to over analyse as i do way too much of that already,ironic i know,great now u got me ranting ;)
    90 billion bored human drones is a sizable force for any cubicles to manage by themselves.

    that's why the internet got invented! :)

    let insurance company pay your medical/health bills




    Rant! My team isn't going to state. Has something like this happened to you?

    My hockey team isn't going to state. D: We lost today. 3-2 in overtime. It sucked. I was so mad! The other team were cheap shots. They pushed our girls down, punched, and checked (checking isn't allowed in girls hockey!). The referees were awful! They didn't call anything penalties on the other team, but called everything on us, even when it was a horrible call and wasn't deserved. During the last period, a girl charged at me and practically knocked me out! I fell over and was 'seeing stars.' My head hurt really bad, and I was going to puke. I had to sit out for a few shifts. I hated that team. I'll miss my team. D: Love ya girlies!

    Sorry for my rant. I just felt like getting it off of my chest.

    To make it a question...has something like this ever happened to you?Rant! My team isn't going to state. Has something like this happened to you?
    That happens to my team almost every other game. No matter where we play, the refs just hate us.

    P.S. go see a doctor about your head, it sounds like you have a concussion.Rant! My team isn't going to state. Has something like this happened to you?
    Aw, I'm sorry. :'( I feel your pain.
    just go hard next year and you girls will skate right through the team that cheated you girls
    Once, my team got cheated out of a goal that would have sent a state championship game to overtime.

    If you ever play a dirty team, you have to be the intiator of the dirty play. They usually call the retaliation.

    You should go to a doctor. You more than likely had a concusion.
    It's hard to find good referee's when you play at a youth hockey level and either they don't call anything or they call way to much. Usually when I play the reffs are just horrible and at the end of they they get paid for reffing a game horribly and ruining the chances of the team's they reffed for.
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  • Rant on mainstream music?

    Okay so I am SICK of mainstream stuff. All it has is a catchy tune.

    Yeah I do have a question. Is there any very non-mainstream music that has actual talent behind it you suggest? I'm open to pretty much anything.

    And I'm sorry. I'm sure I just offended pretty much the whole world with my little spiel.Rant on mainstream music?
    The Bravery, Arctic Monkeys, The Killers, Franz Ferdinand, The Strokes, The Kooks, Bloc Party, Albert Hammond Jr., The Cribs, Spoon, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Reverend And The MakersRant on mainstream music?
    Check out Metallica's albums from 1983 (Kill Em' All), 1984 (Ride The Lightning), 1986 (Master of Puppets), 1988 (...And Justice For All), and 1991 (The Black Album)

    If you would like something not so heavy, check out Muse. They hardly get airplay and is one of the most talented bands in the world.
    artists I think have talent who are still making albums, not sure if you'd call them ';mainstream'; but they definately were at one time...


    Black Crowes

    Jack Johnson

    Alice in Chains


    Widespread Panic

    White Stripes

    Maybe I'll think of others when I have my ipod beside me...
    Mainstream music is weak. Try some metal. Gooood stuff.



    Gus Gus new album 24/7

    First single: Add this song.

    Video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgOL1CyHs鈥?/a>

    RANT/Question: Why do girls refuse to ask guys out?

    I am so sick and tired of girls in this section wondering if some boy likes them. They list off some dreamy guy, the current situation, and wonder if some person the collective ';we'; has never heard likes them, and expect a productive answer.

    Here is a tip girls: A girl that knows what she wants is HOT. Next time you like and a guy and you even suspect he may like you back ASK HIM. its 2009, you can vote and drive, why not ask for dates?

    I guess the question here is why do girls categorically refuse to grow a set of balls?RANT/Question: Why do girls refuse to ask guys out?
    Traditionally, guys ask girls out. Even though it is 2009 and some people, like yourself, are so liberated that you consider it acceptable for girls to ask guys out, some people aren't. It isn't just girls, either. A lot of guys like to be the ones to ask a girl out. It's a matter of preference. Some people are more traditional in this sense, others are more modern. Just like in every other aspect of life.RANT/Question: Why do girls refuse to ask guys out?
    I see what your saying here I have asked guys out in a nonchalant way

    Once for coffee with a crush I had three years in University hahaha............

    Than another on a man that I admired but he seemed to busy with his career and time in his life..but to me that was an excuse as I got to see his character in his writings....

    I am proud of myself that I went for it I have great confidence in myself..It is nice when you have liked someone for a long time to find out they feel the same way too and want to spend time with you too how lovely!!!
    a) the girls wondering are probably 14.

    b) nearly every relationship I've ever been in, I asked the guy out first.

    c) I suspect that most teenage girls suffer from low self-esteem and insecurity,just like most teenage boys.
    i think we are alot more sensitive to rejection than guys are.
    i know,right?

    Rant or rumor 2 from sprint?

    my rumor broke yesterday but its like a year and a half old so i'm just getting a new phone. my dad is paying for the phone and he gave me 2 choices: rant or rumor 2. at first i thought rumor 2 for sure because i think that the red and purple rant are really ugly. im OK with the black one but my dad said that they didnt have it at the sprint store. after reading reviews though, everyone is saying that the rant is WAY better than the rumor 2. I tried t do the thing on sprint.com where you compare to phones, but i couldnt find the rant. do they even still sell it. which do you think i should choose. im sorta leaning towards the rant now but i really hate tthe way the red and purple look

    so what do you think?

    o and i dont care about nascar i have no interest in it at allRant or rumor 2 from sprint?
    Get the Samsung Exclaim it has much better reception and is a much sturdier phone.Rant or rumor 2 from sprint?
    Htc Hero... wonderfull;-)


    Rant: Can you learn from a video or can't you?

    Okay this is more of a rant than a question, but I feel it needs to be said. We can call it ';Common Sense';.(Maybe I'm just blowing my stack because this is over my number 1 pet peeve.)

    So can you learn from a video or can't you? Whenever a question about good websites/videos to learn martial arts from comes up, everyone sounds in one big chorus ';CAN'T LEARN FROM A VIDEO OR THE INTERNET!'; Okay. Fair enough. I agree.

    But then when someone asks a question of ';I have this guy bugging me. If I have to fight him, how do I do it?'; Suddenly two billion people are up there saying ';Kick him here, and punch him there, and that should show him.'; ';If he tries to hit you, simply side step, and then knee him in the ribs while he's off balance.';

    Okay, so what is it? Can you learn from the internet, or can't you? If you can, okay. You have a right to an opinion even if it's the wrong one. But if you say you can't, then don't you think it's a little irresponsible of you to attempt to TEACH over the internet, knowing full well the dangers of a technique learned incorrectly. Especially if you should know better than to think techniques can be properly learned off the internet.

    I guess what I'm asking is, why aren't people honest about what they really believe.Rant: Can you learn from a video or can't you?
    As far as martial arts and ANY type of remote learning - video, books, articles - goes, I believe the following: once you have a solid foundation of what is being discussed, you can learn remotely. If you do not have a solid foundation in the topic, you can't learn anything effectively.

    Simple example:

    A. You don't know Brazilian jiujitsu or any basic ground fighting concepts. You try to learn from a video. I promise you, you just won't get it. You can 'learn' all you want from it, but the first time you set foot on a mat you will probably be less far along than a guy who has only been to one or two classes.

    B. You know BJJ pretty well. You've been to maybe only a few classes, but you have a good grasp of what is going on. You go look at some videos for new techniques on the internet. You go back to the mat and try to pull them off - you probably won't do well the first few times, but you can work on it with someone and learn it quickly.

    Replace ';BJJ'; with any art in that example and you'll find the same result. This isn't just what I believe, but it's also what I've observed for many years.Rant: Can you learn from a video or can't you?
    If you have some fitness, power, and speed, along with basic training in some credible art, you can learn from a video. Obviously, the more equipment you have at your disposal (heavy bag, uppercut bag, punch dummy,

    thai bag, double ended bag, mook jong, speed/reflex/power timer, etc.) the better you will be with solitary training.
    jesse's right. before i started bjj i tried videos to get better but couldn't understand them. i tried to use them the first day and got beat up.then after a few lessons i can do them ok,but still made mistakes. now im pretty good and could understand videos the first time i see them. so videos can help u but only after u have done training or classes
    I won't say that you can learn it but I will say that it can be used to guide you when you have a question... Like which way is my foot supposed to be facing during this move of my kata??? Youtube.com could be helpful for this situation... But the testing over the internet and stupid stuff like that is all bogus...
    Just like anything else you can learn a lot by watching the pros and doing what they do. People who disagree mostly just wont give a way other then learning in the dojo (which is my method don't get me wrong) just like them a shot.
    for the most part, the people who say 'you can't learn from a video/book/website, aren't the ones saying 'do this this then this.'

    the people saying that are the ones suggesting books and links and videos.
    You can learn things from a video such as motions, techniques and training methods, but nothing will ever replace strict the training and discipline you get from training in a gym.
    Of course you can learn but only up to a point.There is nothing like hands on experience. It's like sex.You can tell somebody all day about what it's like but until you experience it you dont really know.
    You need to look more at who's answering the questions.

    Most experianced ma people won't give advice on beating someone up.

    it goes against the pricipals of martial arts.

    The ones that say kick him here, are mostly the children on here
    a question can be answered from a link, but true learning is going to involve an aspect of the teacher teaching specific lessons to a specific student.
    I know that many don't agree but I do believe that even a total beginner can learn from video.

    the question is ';what can you actually learn from the internet or a dvd?';

    well, a lot actually. the problem is that most of the stuff put on video isn't being taught properly, EVEN IF EXECUTED PROPERLY.

    with that said, most videos instructionals are intended as reference material for those already training with said method. therefore, it is assumed that the primary audience will already have some knowledge of at least the mechanical fundamentals of whatever method is being taught.

    still, many (possibly MOST) of the videos on the net are teaching things incorrectly (a good example of this is bjj - don daly on expert village). you allude to the irresponsibility of attempting to teach over the interent... well... if you don't know how to teach, it is irresponsible of you to do so no matter the medium... internet, in person...

    a crappy instructor is a crappy instructor no matter WHERE they teach.

    as to your question about asking strangers on the interenet for advice on how to fight... well... who here thinks that is a smart thing to do?

    why can't people be honest about what they really believe? this is a subject thing, neh?

    you can't assume you know what anyone believes, despite the things they say. people tend to be straight about what they believe, they just don't always approach subjects with a critical mind. this leads to opinions that are made without due consideration of the material at hand.

    this isn't necessarily a crime... just be aware that even those who mean well don't always ';get it right';.

    does this make sense?

    I don't think people are being intentionally dishonest about this. I think the difference is that many people consider martial arts more of a ';craft'; than just beating some random guy up.

    If you want to learn martial arts, then it's important to respect that there is more to it than just the motions. There's discipline and mental toughness involved, and I don't think those come across very well over online videos.

    You CAN learn a lot of things from videos, but not everything.

    A person can learn from watching a video. We have the ability as humans to visualize and process what we see and read. here's an example: when your watch something on TV no matter what it is. whether it a cooking show or a arm bar from a ufc fight, we all have the ability to retrieve what we want and store it into our memory and if you continue to repeat the move or how to cook a turkey with stuffing over and over then you learned something and our most likely really good at it. so please don't let these closed minded idiots tell you that you can't ... lex thats was a very good question,

    RANT PART 2; What's the deal with this? Bought a car but didn't sign anything?

    I bought a car and its now in my name on the registration certificate and everything.

    Now the guy seemed a bit old and I feel sorry for him but that won't stop me from suing his a**. But that is a different story.

    Just take a look; http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i206/r…

    I have not signed that, I am the buyer but he has signed it??

    SO whose car is it? I have paid and its at my house?

    Has he bought the car from himself?RANT PART 2; What's the deal with this? Bought a car but didn't sign anything?
    it looks like he has bought a blue BMW

    but that would never stand up

    there is no date ,there is no engine or chassis number, so it could be any Blue BMW as the reg of the car isn't even mentioned so there's no vehicle Identity at allRANT PART 2; What's the deal with this? Bought a car but didn't sign anything?
    whos name is on the title?

    whos name is on the odometer statement?

    those are the documents that matter most.

    Speak to the DMV and be prepared to retain a lawyer.

    Rant on reading fast vs slow...?

    See, I can read pretty fast, not sure about words per minute, but faster than the usual 16 year old kid. The only problem I have when I read fast is that I don't seem to enjoy the book that well. Although I have very good comprehension of everything and while I may not remember everything off the top of my head, if you asked me questions later about the book, I would know the answers, sort of sub-consciously... The main problem I have when reading slow is that I seem to have a very short attention span with books, no matter how intriguing and interesting the book may be to some, if I don't finish a book within a couple days, I usually don't finish it at all. So I am sort of in a dilemma of sorts, sacrifice enjoyment with speed or sacrifice speed with enjoyment, but risk not finishing the book.

    Decisions, decisions.Rant on reading fast vs slow...?
    You should cultivate the ability to read slower and to read longer books -- ones that last longer than a few days. Do this by learning to appreciate elements of the book other than the ones you currently appreciate. For instance, if you currently read fast because you like a plot that moves along very quickly, try paying more attention to character, theme or style.

    This might not be easy to do, but it's worth the effort. You can do it by setting up deliberate reading schedules, keeping track of how long you read, reading books that are progressively longer and more challenging (that means, don't jump into War and Peace immediately), giving yourself little rewards every time you read slower and continue reading for more than a few days, etc.

    College may be a good way to force you into the habit if you don't acquire it by then. Take some good courses that require you to read good long books you otherwise wouldn't read -- then use the demands of the course to learn to appreciate those things I named above.

    However you do it, you'll find after awhile that you become 'addicted' to long, slow reading. In other words, you'll enjoy it and look forward to it.Rant on reading fast vs slow...?
    Try my system. After speed reading, go to digestive reading-- meaning read to analyse the details.
    Read slower for comprehension
    Try reading the book twice. Speed through it the first time to get the basic facts, then go back to it and savor it. Since you already know what's going to happen, you can skip the boring parts and just enjoy a slow study of the good stuff. The second reading is good for appreciating how the author sets the stage for what's to come, and other details of how the story is put together.
    I can read fast too, but I like reading at a slower, steadier pace to give the story time to build in my mind, allowing me to create images and pictures that enrich the story. For me, it's not about how fast I get there, but how much I enjoy the journey.

    Just my opinion. :)
    I read pretty fast too. Don't just repeat the words in your head, imagine the situations you're reading about. Try to enjoy a book, not memorize facts.

    I also think you really need to find some better books to read. Please use the adult section in the card catalog in your library. Try looking up fiction that might interest you, such as authors like John Irving, Tom Wolfe( I am Charlotte Simmons and Bonfire of the Vanities) and non-fiction David Sadaris.

    Blame me if you don't like them. :)
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  • Rant/question about arguments in Music... ?

    Well, I just wanted to see your opinions on this subject... It's just that... I see so many people who use the exact same phrases to support their arguments, so much that it has become a cliche to say ';pop is corporate mainstream garbage'; or ';Kurt Cobain has raw emotion'; (yes, I do like Nirvana, and yes, Kurt was an awesome musician, but this sentence is OVERUSED, and I'm not directing it towards anyone in particular, so don't take it as an offense if you have actually written that, I'm just stating my opinion) or ';today's generation has become mindless following sheep'; and well... you get the point.

    Even though I DO agree with these statements, I find it very annoying that people always seem to use the SAME words to describe it... As if they just copied it from someone else and didn't really form that opinion themselves... I'm not meaning that in a conceited way, I can't pretend to say I can write better arguments, but at least I'd TRY to...

    So yeah... I think you get what I'm saying... so, do you agree?

    And do you have other examples of such ';cliche phrases'; passing from one essay to the other?

    BQ: And here's a non-music related question:

    I want your *honest* opinion, I don't want you to lick my shoes and I am not fishing for compliments I want to know your true opinion. I don't care if it's a negative one.

    It's just that well, you know... it's kinda hard to judge yourself without being biased... So I'd like to see opinions that aren't biased, based on what you already know about me... What I want to know is, well... Am I close-minded? (and no, this is not meant as a cocky question neither...) But avoid the trite ';f@ggot, f*ck you or ';too long! thx 2 points';'; types of answers. Either you give an actual OPINION, either you shut up...Rant/question about arguments in Music... ?
    I see where you're getting at. People think fag, gay, and get a life are all insults and they think they're greatest insults ever. Well people are just too dumb to think of their own stuff. And everytime I see an insult about Kurt it's always a stupid joke about his death. ';What has more brains than Kurt Cobain? The wall behind him.'; Oh ha ha ha! That's real funny making fun of the death of a very great and talented musician. You've opened my mind up more to this. Thanks.Rant/question about arguments in Music... ?
    I liked Kurt Corbain I never thought he sang from raw emotions. If you don't mind that I compare him to a fellow that wrote and sang Tears from Heaven. This comes from a sadness that only the beholder can do. One sees a bare soul and the pain that comes from that. They stir up emotions most of us like to hide. I feel a stirring inside that is a true awakening of life. Makes one take comfort in being alive and also a longing for the ones we have lost. This is like walking outside on a sunny day and you stop to look up into the sky and close your eyes to feel the warmth of the sun on your face. As the cool breeze touch's your face.You inhail the fresh air that is there and give a smile for you are truly alive. Music moves us in so many way as life leads us. Do you want to dance. smile
    I understand what you're saying, but a lot of times people hear something and go, ';Hey, that's exactly how I feel/think';, so they then in turn use what they heard, because it supports how they think. Did they come up with the saying on their own? No, but the idea is theirs. Yes I hate mindless sheep as much as the next guy, but I don't know everyone's intention.

    If we're talking about music, I think you're rather open minded. I remember your questions about various bands...quite the variety.
    Well in some Situations you kind of have to say the same Stuff I don't really get what's to complain about because this hasn't even crossed my mind until now but I usually don't take in consideration anyone else's answer / opinion unless I know them or they seem somewhat intelligent... But anyways I don't agree with you on the entire thing but, I will say that people who try to take credit or seem smart from someone else's quote are just stupid...

    1. I think you are ';Textually'; Closed minded because I don't believe small things like this should be taken into consideration just ignore them and move on with life haha =)

    Rant time! What most gets you down / frustrates you most during your pregnancy?

    Hello there all!

    Just curious if there is one thing main thing that gets you down about pregnancy and what is it? Is it something that frustrates you? Not meaning anything to do with the baby of course but maybe a side-effect of pregnancy that you are feel down about or can't wait for it to go away. It can be something trivial or serious....your choice!

    Feel free to have a bit rant here!

    For me it is my acne. I have other worse problems like my constant back pain etc but my acne was bad pregnancy and now without the medication I'm usually on for it, and raging hormones, my acne is terrible and I get it everywhere - the most terrible on my back, chest, shoulders and arms. :-( No matter what wash I use it to help dry it up etc it just gets worse and I'm battling to try and get rid of it before Bub is born. I scar easy so this acne is scaring me and I just keep getting more and I DON'T want to feel this self conscious when Bub is born. I want to breast-feed and wear a summer top without hiding. At the moment it will take what marks I DO have months to go away, and I keep getting more spots to replace them! :-((((( Oh, and I have 2 months left only of my pregnancy :-(

    Anyways, I guess my problem has to do self esteem really. I hope my OBGYN can think of a solution next time I see him next week.

    So what gets you most down about being pregnant?

    Weight gain?

    Stretch marks maybe?

    Or how other people treat you now that you're pregnant?

    Doesn't have to be a physical problem necessarily!

    Anything big or small. Rant away! XRant time! What most gets you down / frustrates you most during your pregnancy?
    The fact I'm on bedrest and can't do anything! UG! Need i say more?

    For the acne, try a milder facewash. I like this stuff by DHC called Deep Cleansing Oil. It goes on like an oil and washes off clean and doesn't dry out your face or clog pores. you don't even need a moisturiser afterwards! You can get it at www.dhccare.com or even on eBay. I had bad acne my first pregnancy too.Rant time! What most gets you down / frustrates you most during your pregnancy?
    I've got around 3 more weeks for bedrest. So far, it's going by faster than I expected! :) PS- sign up for the free catalog from DHC. You get free samples with every issue and you can see if it works for you before you buy it! I love the stuff that's why I suggested it :)

    Report Abuse

    I would say weight gain and stretch marks and this racoon looking mask I have now that wont go away. Get teased a lot from the mask thing my face has gotten from my 2cd child and with being pregnant with my 3rd it has gotten worse :(

    For the morning sickness/nausea trying sucking on mints it worked great for me.
    Oh it was weight gain for me! I was on bedrest for more than 4 months because I had a very difficult pregnancy. Looking back, I should have been more strict with my diet because now it's too hard to take it all off!
    It's most definitely my mom. I just posted about her and I'd appreciate your feedback. Then I would have to say the acne.
    I couldn't care less about all the stretch marks/cravings/moles etc

    What frustrated me the most during my pregnancy was my collegues and friends' attitude toward me. It's like I had become a piece of glass.

    Working in a completely male dominated environment I couldn't complete a task without someone commenting that I shouldn't be doing that because I'm pregnant even if it had NOTHING that could affect the pregnancy. I'll walk a hundred metres down the road and apparently I should have a bit of a sit down because you don't want to strain yourself. Seriously! Each woman has their own boundaries and there's no way in hell YOU can tell me what they are.

    Sorry lol ... I kinda was working with ALOT of men *Sigh*
    My problems while pregnant mainlyyy was the gestational diabetes. I hated having to track my sugars and eat bland food when i was cravinggg a cheeseburger.

    My OTHER annoyance was my cousin decided to go get knocked up while i was pregnant. I was 5 months ahead of her and from week 4 she called and complained about EVERYTHING. She would arch her back to make her non existent stomach poke out and then call herself fat.

    BBG--I FEEL you on the bedrest! I forgot how crappy that was!! [Maybe because my son is 5 months old now anndd to tell the truth a little bit of bedrest would be great to have now! lol]
    My mother-in-law is the most frustrating thing about pregnancy. She treats me like I'm 16 and have never been around children before. But I am 28 with 1 child already, and I have worked in childcare for years. The last time she had a baby was 30 years ago and she tries to tell me what to do all the time! (sorry, ranting!)
    It wasn't until the last couple weeks. I knew i would get stretch marks and gain weight so i that wasn't such an issue. I work at a hotel and or the last week people are asking me are you having twins? I say no do i look like it? I'm due in almost 3 weeks of course i look big but still i don't need to hear it from strangers. Also with work (work full time until i go into labor) i'm on my feet a lot so my feet and ankles have swollen and my boyfriends loves to call them hobbit feet. So i can't wait until i can fit into my heels again. Also so done getting up 5 times to go pee at night, but i guess that is just preparing me for getting up with Haley, which is anything i can't wait to see her.
    Well, I am only 13 weeks, but I was overweight when I got pregnant, now don't get me wrong, I am not a whale or anything, but overweight by like 20-25lbs......but so far, I haven't gained anything, so thank God for that!! Other than that, it's just the sick feeling...it hasn't been extreme and I haven't ever thrown up, but just feeling sick like I am going to throw up really blows - I think that's pretty much it, well I guess all the bathroom trips - that's no fun either!! Other than that, I am happy to be pregnant and excited, this is my first!!
    In the beginning, it was the morning sickness I couldn't WAIT to get rid of! Now that it is gone, I would have to say, I sure won't miss the heartburn I get all the time, or having to pee EVERY 2 seconds, lol. Also the extra gas I never used to have, LOL. A few more.... the back pain, always leaking milk %26amp; having to wear nursing pads, ugh, they're so uncomfortable for me. (My milk always started for me in the 4th month) Also the kicking I get on my cervix! God.... I was at school the other day and she was having a field day just beating the heck out of my cervix, it was hurting so much I almost left school.

    But let me stop now cause I could go on for hours....hehe. I do have quite a few things I really like about being prego though, I enjoy feeling my baby kick..seeing her at the ultrasounds, the more closeness feeling I have to the father when I'm prego. and much more! 鈾?Congrats to you!

    Opps, forgot to say stretch marks! lol They have ruined my perfect stomach I had before I ever had a child, and I can no longer wear a bikini :( Which of course a few friends have to rub it in, b/c they of course didn't get ANY, except a few on their hips that are un-noticeable. Just my luck of course. lol
    Ive been pregnant for almost 4 years now and its annoying me! OMG is it normal for a male to be pregnant for this long? What can I do?! I've been thinking abortion.

    Rant on taxes and inflation?

    I hate to say this. Really I do. But I'm for more taxes. Running the government off of loans from China is a bad idea and its killing the economy with inflation.

    The question is have I lost my mind or are other people thinking the same thing? I think that if we paid for the Iraq war directly with a check made out to the government instead of a stealth tax through constant inflation people would say **** this a lot sooner...right now every dollar you spend is going in part to the war and Haliburton subsidies and tax cuts for the wealthiest 1%, which can afford to put their money in euros and escape inflation...this is just fucked up.Rant on taxes and inflation?
    I like you. You must be a democrat.

    Taxes aren't that bad if they pay for good things. This war is NOT a good thing.

    And if inflation is so low, why am I paying $3 per gallon at the pump? And $4 for a gallon of milk?Rant on taxes and inflation?
    Well--for one--inflation is relatively low right now--compared to what is has run in the past.

    Second--The Iraq war---is expensive---but relatively short term--Welfare and other social programs take up a lot more of the Governments money--and have been around a much longer time--resulting several trillion dollars on the ';WAR ON POVERTY'; and to this day--the number of people living in POVERTY is roughly the same as it was when LBJ announced this so called WAR!---some forty plus years ago.

    Third-US DEBT--now standing at roughly 9 trillion dollars----and a large portion of that debt--issued in Government bonds is held by the CHINESE!

    This 9 trillion is roughly about 3% of the USA economy--hardly what I would consider an economy killer.

    But I am with you in getting rid of it.--So should we abandon 25 million people to the radical islamist of the world--or should we start kicking people off welfare and telling them to get a JOB and work like the rest of us do.

    Fourth--the top 10% of the people in America --PAY over 50% of the taxes--so if anybody deserves some TAX RELIEF--it's probably them.

    By the way--the bottom 50% of tax payers account for less than 10% of all Federal taxes.


    and lastly---reducing the income tax on the wealthy--means they spend more and invest more of their money--creating jobs and increases the amount of money that goes into the federal government.

    Well, I think the problem is more linked inflation in general and also devaluation of the dollar worldwide. Increasing our taxes really wouldn't do much due to devaluing of the dollar. I feel that our dependence on foreign oil and imports from places like China are really going to be our undoing. We don't manufacture goods here anymore, all because Chinese and foreign labor is cheaper!
    No one is running the USA off loans from China, they are selling the USA to China, and every purchase at Walmart helps with that effort.

    Start learning Chinese.

    While Bush has everyone wrried about the Iranians, the Chinese are coming in through the back door.
    I think we should stop spending so much. I agree though that we shouldn't be taking out loans from China to do things we can't afford.

    Rant in G Minor!?

    Why as humans do we accept the evil and corruption thrown in our faces every day? Innocent people die while we ask stupid questions on Yahoo Answers (i include myself in this). We as a generation of people should be changing the world and freeing it from the vile disorder of Governments.

    How long are we going to take the crap thats spoonfed to us. Bill Hicks was right, we kill the good guys who tell us that demons run amok, dictating our very lives.

    Screw Yahoo, screw the internet, screw television, screw media in general but most of all screw the human race!

    Im going to go live somewhere where no greed can enter my life, its called Paradise.Rant in G Minor!?
    I completely understand your outrage and there are days when I feel the same way. I keep trying to believe that we can make this world a better place and alot of bad people keep proving me wrong. It seems that only evil wins now and good just gets trampled on and forgotten. When you figure out where paradise is will you let me know. I'm pretty feed up with this world too.Rant in G Minor!?
    ';Steal a little and they throw you in jail...

    Steal a lot and they make you a King';

    Bye, close the door after you.
    see you!
    bill was a great comedian and taken too soon
    When are you going hope its SOON XX
    Don't kill yourself. Just be a good person. If enough of us try, the world will be a better place. There is vile disorder on every level, not just in governments. Start where you are.

    Rant & Raves *Cry for Help* Post?

    i give up on finding someone who i love and will love me in return. it is a very sad thing, what is even sadder is that i never planned for life after high school cause, i never felt like i would live long enough to need too. So now what ;i dont want to study (college)and i have already have a good job . So what to do now,cause since i was fourteen i been wanting to be happily married in a realistic way that is /was my only goal to be a good wife and adore my loving husband. I have been hoping %26amp; praying since 14 ,now 26 Now I feel like what to live for now ! I am living life and trying to cope with being forced into living life alone, I have no friends , no boyfriend , cause i will not give up the panties nor kiss before marriage, i dont drink or club or smoke. I grew up in a very bad area and still never drank nor did any drugs.I believe in God and the Bible but am not associated with any religon, so pls dont suggest a religous group . I feel like damn what is there to live for ,cause when i die i feel like no one ever known me in this life and way God give me life if i cant touch anybodies life. Why is my life so lonely, i live a strict lifestyle and not willing to live any other way. I am some what open -minded about people and their preferences. Iam very pretty , i get that alot. i pray there has to be someone out there for me. I am giving it until feb 29,2009 and if no one comes to me by then i will not consider marriage and never date again. I am 26 years old female, and feel like it is totally disrepect from most males, also i am unfortunately becoming bitter.Rant %26amp; Raves *Cry for Help* Post?
    Well, really, i think you answered your own question. ';Why is my life so lonely?'; You live a strict lifestyle and you are not willing to live any other way. Well, you've been living a single lifestyle, and you're not open to change. Other people can sense this about you, and it probably sends men running in the other direction. I mean, in any healthy relationship, there has to be give and take, compromise and change. You don't sound like you want to do any of the above: hence, lonelyRant %26amp; Raves *Cry for Help* Post?
    Slow down, breathe, pat yourself on the back. You've made it this far. The best - most sacred - things in life come when you least expect it. Read Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. Your soulmate is worth the wait, don't make the mistake of rushing the process.
    oh my god take a ******* chill pill a lotta people don't get married till theyre like 30 so take a chill pll, relax, hyperventilate a little, and then just be patient. you'll find the right guy
    Whoa whoa whoa, you can't give up at 26, are you kidding me. I can't imagine how you feel but I do know that being married isn't always as good as it looks. I was with my wife since I was 20 years old, she was 17, we married when I was 23, after 13 years together, two beautiful girls 7 %26amp; 9, she up and left, says she feel out of love. I've been down for the last few months but finally I realised life's to short not to be happy, live life to it's fullest, everyone has a soul mate out there I believe everything happens for a reason. I think the reason you haven't met someone yet is because simply haven't came across the right person for you, not because your not into drinking and clubbing. I wouldn't set a date, because then your always going to have that on your mind stressing you out, just relax, live life to it's fullest and I'm sure the right man for you will show up before you know it, because the last thing you want to do is jump into something that isn't morally you and regret it forever. Hey hang in there, your time will come, trust me, not having anyone might suck, but thinking you have someone and they abandon you for no apparent reason really sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope this helps.....later
    There is some one for every one and it is taking you time .You do not have to drink and sleep around to find a man.I truly believe that the longer you wait when you meet someone the more solid the relationship will be.Have you try-ed meeting someone through work social singles clubs.There must be something like that where you live.What about internet dating i know a few relationships that have worked out well this way.Maybe trying to meet some one a little older than yourself would work out.But do not put a time limit on your happiness.Have you read the book the secret?In this book it says basically that a positive outlook and saying that you have the things you want in life will cause positive energy and attract what you are wishing for to come into your life.Read the book it is very interesting.

    Lee Elia's rant 25 years ago today...this is hilarious. What's your favorite coach rant?

    “I’ll tell you one (bleeping) thing, I hope we get (bleeping) hotter than (bleep), just to stuff it up them 3,000 (bleeping) people that show up every (bleeping) day. Because if they’re the real Chicago (bleeping) fans, they can kiss my (bleeping) *** right downtown – and print it!”

    “The (bleepers) don’t even work. That’s why they’re out at the (bleeping) game. They oughta go out and get a (bleeping) job and find out what it’s like to go out and earn a (bleeping) living. Eighty-five percent of the (bleeping) world is working. The other 15 come out here.”

    “So what I’m tryin’ to say is don’t rip them (bleeping) guys out there. Rip me. If you wanna rip somebody, rip my (bleeping) ***. But don’t rip them (bleeping) guys because they’re giving everything they can give. Once we hit that (bleeping) groove, it’ll flow. And it will flow.”Lee Elia's rant 25 years ago today...this is hilarious. What's your favorite coach rant?
    That was a great one.

    My favorite coaching rant is Jim Mora's ';Playoffs!!?!?!'; diatribe.

    My favorite baseball coaching rant is Hal McRae of the Royals throwing the phone and desk set around his office while in his skivvies. I seriously think he was sauced at the time.Lee Elia's rant 25 years ago today...this is hilarious. What's your favorite coach rant?
    are we digging for jabs at the Cubs EVERY DAY?

    I'm gonna work up some La Russa drunk questions just for you.

    I'm all for humor, i found it even funnier when he tried to sue because someone read it to his daughter.... the lawyer said good luck, you told them to print it
    Braves Minor League manager Phil Wellman on June 1, 2007
    In baseball I loved a few years back when Lloyd McClendon stole first base and took it home with him! CLASSIC. A very under-appreciated moment in sports history.


    This is my favorite rant,as far as baseball is concerned. Imagine if they had youtube back then!!
    LOL. I don't think anyone can be surprised of why Lou didn't bring him onto his coaching staff. What cracks me up is that Cubs fans still go up to Lee to this day and say, ';Hey Lee, just so you know - I have a job, it's just my day off.';

    I read somewhere that he has a ';new rant'; on an audio-clipped baseball for sale full of nice words for Cubs fans. I guess he figures if people are still going to be talking about it 25 years later he might as well make a buck.

    And just to get my Cardinals jab in here...I'm sure we'd have some great Tony LaRussa rants if we could only decipher the drunken slurring.
    After a game that the Dodger's lost Tommy Lasorda got asked what his thoughts or feelings were about Dave Kingman (who had hit three home runs that day) Lasorda answered with so much candor and emotion that it was classic. He was incredulous that the reporter was even asking and his response was facetious. I'm badly paraphrasing the quote now but it went like this, ';What are my feelings about Dave (bleeping) Kingman? He's a (bleeping, bleeeeeeeeeeep)'; Which he then continued to repeat for emphasis sake and this went on for about two full minutes. He ended with a kind of contrite statement about how he felt so bad about having lost the game the way they did and then be asked *that* sort of question.
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  • How do some people expect you to take their rants seriously if...continued?

    If they have all sorts of spelling errors and double negatives among other grammatical errors?

    I mean do they honestly expect us to take their rant seriously if it looks like they just barely started learning english a year ago?How do some people expect you to take their rants seriously if...continued?
    I know where you are coming from and when I see there rants I can not take them seriously because if they are getting so many grammar and spelling mistakes, you assume that they are uneducated and immature and should figure it out themselvesHow do some people expect you to take their rants seriously if...continued?
    I take peoples rants seriously if there are spelling errors. Just because someone doesn't know how to spell, or even read whatsoever, does not mean they don't know a thing or two. Some backwoods hillbilly that never wore shoes or went to school may be able to survive on his wits regardless, while me and my college education would flounder, wilt and die if left to my own devices.
    I suppose content is the most important consideration, but effective use of English is certainly a plus. After all, writing is about communication.

    There are other factors to take into account. If English is not someone's first language we should certainly make allowances for that. In fact I often admire someone for making the effort.
    If someone is angry about something or has a strong feeling on something they tend to make errors they are human not some self thinking robot that does everything just so.
    stop speaking spanglish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!鈥?br>

    lol jus playin. maybe they suck at english.
    Some people type the same way they talk.
    omg ur b ing not nice you need to stop talking i m vry ngry jk :P
    u meen peepol hu rite lyKE thiss? lyke thay r reetartedd??

    yeah I really cannot stand when they do that

    Lee Elia's rant 25 years ago today...this is hilarious. What's your favorite coach rant?

    “I’ll tell you one (bleeping) thing, I hope we get (bleeping) hotter than (bleep), just to stuff it up them 3,000 (bleeping) people that show up every (bleeping) day. Because if they’re the real Chicago (bleeping) fans, they can kiss my (bleeping) *** right downtown – and print it!”

    “The (bleepers) don’t even work. That’s why they’re out at the (bleeping) game. They oughta go out and get a (bleeping) job and find out what it’s like to go out and earn a (bleeping) living. Eighty-five percent of the (bleeping) world is working. The other 15 come out here.”

    “So what I’m tryin’ to say is don’t rip them (bleeping) guys out there. Rip me. If you wanna rip somebody, rip my (bleeping) ***. But don’t rip them (bleeping) guys because they’re giving everything they can give. Once we hit that (bleeping) groove, it’ll flow. And it will flow.”Lee Elia's rant 25 years ago today...this is hilarious. What's your favorite coach rant?
    That was a great one.

    My favorite coaching rant is Jim Mora's ';Playoffs!!?!?!'; diatribe.

    My favorite baseball coaching rant is Hal McRae of the Royals throwing the phone and desk set around his office while in his skivvies. I seriously think he was sauced at the time.Lee Elia's rant 25 years ago today...this is hilarious. What's your favorite coach rant?
    are we digging for jabs at the Cubs EVERY DAY?

    I'm gonna work up some La Russa drunk questions just for you.

    I'm all for humor, i found it even funnier when he tried to sue because someone read it to his daughter.... the lawyer said good luck, you told them to print it
    Braves Minor League manager Phil Wellman on June 1, 2007
    In baseball I loved a few years back when Lloyd McClendon stole first base and took it home with him! CLASSIC. A very under-appreciated moment in sports history.


    This is my favorite rant,as far as baseball is concerned. Imagine if they had youtube back then!!
    LOL. I don't think anyone can be surprised of why Lou didn't bring him onto his coaching staff. What cracks me up is that Cubs fans still go up to Lee to this day and say, ';Hey Lee, just so you know - I have a job, it's just my day off.';

    I read somewhere that he has a ';new rant'; on an audio-clipped baseball for sale full of nice words for Cubs fans. I guess he figures if people are still going to be talking about it 25 years later he might as well make a buck.

    And just to get my Cardinals jab in here...I'm sure we'd have some great Tony LaRussa rants if we could only decipher the drunken slurring.
    After a game that the Dodger's lost Tommy Lasorda got asked what his thoughts or feelings were about Dave Kingman (who had hit three home runs that day) Lasorda answered with so much candor and emotion that it was classic. He was incredulous that the reporter was even asking and his response was facetious. I'm badly paraphrasing the quote now but it went like this, ';What are my feelings about Dave (bleeping) Kingman? He's a (bleeping, bleeeeeeeeeeep)'; Which he then continued to repeat for emphasis sake and this went on for about two full minutes. He ended with a kind of contrite statement about how he felt so bad about having lost the game the way they did and then be asked *that* sort of question.

    How do some people expect you to take their rants seriously if...continued?

    If they have all sorts of spelling errors and double negatives among other grammatical errors?

    I mean do they honestly expect us to take their rant seriously if it looks like they just barely started learning english a year ago?How do some people expect you to take their rants seriously if...continued?
    I know where you are coming from and when I see there rants I can not take them seriously because if they are getting so many grammar and spelling mistakes, you assume that they are uneducated and immature and should figure it out themselvesHow do some people expect you to take their rants seriously if...continued?
    I take peoples rants seriously if there are spelling errors. Just because someone doesn't know how to spell, or even read whatsoever, does not mean they don't know a thing or two. Some backwoods hillbilly that never wore shoes or went to school may be able to survive on his wits regardless, while me and my college education would flounder, wilt and die if left to my own devices.
    I suppose content is the most important consideration, but effective use of English is certainly a plus. After all, writing is about communication.

    There are other factors to take into account. If English is not someone's first language we should certainly make allowances for that. In fact I often admire someone for making the effort.
    If someone is angry about something or has a strong feeling on something they tend to make errors they are human not some self thinking robot that does everything just so.
    stop speaking spanglish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!鈥?br>

    lol jus playin. maybe they suck at english.
    Some people type the same way they talk.
    omg ur b ing not nice you need to stop talking i m vry ngry jk :P
    u meen peepol hu rite lyKE thiss? lyke thay r reetartedd??

    yeah I really cannot stand when they do that

    Why when a white women has her heart broke by a black guy and goes on a subsequent rant?

    Some one has to bring up the size of my pp, for real man it's average size, leave it alone, i am not responsible for white women dating black guys, nor am i responsible for a white women who picked the wrong black guy, leave my poor pp outta this,Why when a white women has her heart broke by a black guy and goes on a subsequent rant?
    aww....... somebody sounds like they have a bruised ego!Why when a white women has her heart broke by a black guy and goes on a subsequent rant?
    I think you should ask Kara, or whatever his name is.

    How would we know what he/you mean(s) by the statement above?
    Ummm...I have heard of a lot stereotypes when comes interracial relationships. (I'm a product of one) Yet, I never heard of this one before. Sorry, can't answer your question.
    mostly men will get what they can

    we were designed that way

    If a woman wants even some hope of honest stability and to have a men who doesn't sleep around.

    Start with a man like me who admits this.

    Anyone mind if I rant for a bit???

    I would like to make the following points, which will probably get most of you p**sed off at me but I really don't care.

    The following five points are not even debatable, because I am right:

    1. Britain is becoming a cesspool. No, I'm not just talking about Third World immigrants who abuse our system and commit crimes, we have plenty of out own home-grown scum in the form of chavs

    2. No matter what ANYone says, Vicky Beckham is NOT sexy.

    3. Britain was far better off when we believed in our beloved Empire and our closest friends were Canada, Australia %26amp; New Zealand. We had no use for the Yanks, and crazy terrorists weren't trying to blow us up en masse

    4. There is nothing wrong with flying a Union Jack and being proud to be BRITISH!!

    5. People are becoming increasingly stupidAnyone mind if I rant for a bit???
    Thats it, get it off your chest..

    alot I agree with.. Time for revolting..Anyone mind if I rant for a bit???
    John know exactly where you're coming from - occasionally in the past, I too have felt the urge to rant - a lot. I hope that you feel that it was worth it, because undoubtedly there will be a backlash, which may make you feel slightly more uptight than before you started.

    In response to the 5 points:

    1) Immigartion is a dual edged sword. Without it our economic prosperity would suffer greatly. I don't mind Johnny Foreigner arriving here (short or long term) provided he/she is willing to integrate. Refusal to integrate is problematic and raises the obvious ';If you don't f'ing like it here then why don't you f'off!'; (That is the prevailing view in the States)

    2) Agreed. But were any of 'em worth a saag? 100% Talentless.

    3) We were the biggest bully in the playground back then - so of course it seems that it must have been better. But together with loss of Empire we've suffered loss of community and that for me is the bigger loss. Sure the Yanks make you want to puke the way they throw their weight around; and this virulent form of radical Islamism is very worrying - but just wait until we get nuclear terrorism - then we are going to really sh!t ourselves.

    4) Agreed - unless you've emigrated then I'd say OK provided that it's done in respect of the local flag - eg flying it subordinate to the host country's flag.

    5) Seems like doesn't it! However, evolution is in fact heading us the opposite direction. Average intelligence is rising. Perhaps you're unlucky enough to live in an area with a higher proportion of thickos. Sadly rising population means there are more of these about too.

    I just wish we had better/stronger European allies. France and Germany have very strong political ties. We should be fostering such a relationship and then we could give the Yanks the Churchill Salute!! (Which they fully deserve).

    Regards M
    Nope, can't argue with any of those points.
    As the Irishman said, 'Follow me, I'm right behind you'!
    LOL! Yes I do agree with most of that, but flying the Union Jack is not something I would run about doing as I don't like drawing attention to myself, but my 10year old would happily do it because the likes flags.
    two points!!
    gotta say, i agree (well, i'm not a brit, but i agree with the same in the u.s. -- including #3, if you get my drift)

    vive la revolucion! (and don't anyone come harping on me if i spelled anything wrong, cuz i don't care!!)
    Good points, very good points!

    I agree with all you say, but due to world changing.........there is feck all we, the the normal persons, can do about it!

    It is called the ';human rights act!';

    1.Britain is a cesspool, the terrorist and lazy chavs we allow to live off tax payers money prove this!

    2. We must live with the thought that Vicky Beckham thinks she is sexy! The press seem to agree! I don't!

    3. We should have held on to the empire, then we may not be dependent of the war lords of the USA!

    4. I fly the flag of Wales, but I do support GB as we are an united nation!

    5. Only the stupid ones..........they are in the minority!
    Honey, I hate to tell you, it's happening everywhere.
    LOl... rant much?


    I am not British... but oddly enough, I DO agree with some of the points that you mentioned.....

    Like #2 and #4
    feel better now? lol.
    Here Here - I second that!!!!!
    Right on all counts!
    Feeling pretty much the same a bout the US of A


    1. Same here

    2. Minor disagreement about VB.

    Don't see what the fuss is about , but would not kick her out of bed.

    3.Can't disagree...George is not much of a friend

    4.Agree. ...been around longer than ours . I like it by the way.


    There you go....

    Just pissed off a few kneejerk'; Yanks'; for you.

    Best regards
    Firstly to Bugaboo- Don't call JohnBull revolting, thats not nice!!! ;)

    I agree with you man. Nothing wrong with a bit of a rant- you let it out!! I have the same feelings, although not so strongly about the Vicky Posh thing?
    Do you feel better now?
    i agree with all but for number 3, i wasnt really born or into the world's politics with all the alliances when they were formed..

    and for number 4, i live in scotland, so its all scottish flags here

    vicky beckham aint hot, nice set though but they fake
    Victoria, is what we would say in Scotland

    very dour, almost frightened to smile in case her face cracks.
    Well said. I agree with nearly everything you have written.
    Good rant ... I am right behind you!!
    6. bed time honey,school in the morning