Thursday, July 29, 2010

After her rant on gmtv,?

a psychologist said tht heather mills ,is clearly unbalenced. when contacted later paul macartney said a couple of beer mats under her left leg usually did the trick ................After her rant on gmtv,?
oh thats really doing the rounds that joke!

funny thoughAfter her rant on gmtv,?
Made me laugh.


Reminds of the poem, Paul's ode to his new wife,

As we lay upon the grassy bank, my hand was all a quiver, i slowly undid her suspender belt %26amp; her leg fell in the river.
'ang on,,,,,,,,,,,,, still laughing

sorry caught me on the HOP


right deep breaths,,,,,

arrrrr thats better 'ave a star
Which rant, Fiona Phillips much to my annoyance allowed Ms Mills to do so all over again, as to the joke well i don't find that particularly amusing but i do think the woman needs to get a grip.
paul was going to buy heather a plane for she could shave both legs
well i feel for her, although i do beleive she married for money and stardom. but hey the press should write about someone worthwhile, its gettin a bit boring now

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