Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Rant time! What most gets you down / frustrates you most during your pregnancy?

Hello there all!

Just curious if there is one thing main thing that gets you down about pregnancy and what is it? Is it something that frustrates you? Not meaning anything to do with the baby of course but maybe a side-effect of pregnancy that you are feel down about or can't wait for it to go away. It can be something trivial or serious....your choice!

Feel free to have a bit rant here!

For me it is my acne. I have other worse problems like my constant back pain etc but my acne was bad pregnancy and now without the medication I'm usually on for it, and raging hormones, my acne is terrible and I get it everywhere - the most terrible on my back, chest, shoulders and arms. :-( No matter what wash I use it to help dry it up etc it just gets worse and I'm battling to try and get rid of it before Bub is born. I scar easy so this acne is scaring me and I just keep getting more and I DON'T want to feel this self conscious when Bub is born. I want to breast-feed and wear a summer top without hiding. At the moment it will take what marks I DO have months to go away, and I keep getting more spots to replace them! :-((((( Oh, and I have 2 months left only of my pregnancy :-(

Anyways, I guess my problem has to do self esteem really. I hope my OBGYN can think of a solution next time I see him next week.

So what gets you most down about being pregnant?

Weight gain?

Stretch marks maybe?

Or how other people treat you now that you're pregnant?

Doesn't have to be a physical problem necessarily!

Anything big or small. Rant away! XRant time! What most gets you down / frustrates you most during your pregnancy?
The fact I'm on bedrest and can't do anything! UG! Need i say more?

For the acne, try a milder facewash. I like this stuff by DHC called Deep Cleansing Oil. It goes on like an oil and washes off clean and doesn't dry out your face or clog pores. you don't even need a moisturiser afterwards! You can get it at www.dhccare.com or even on eBay. I had bad acne my first pregnancy too.Rant time! What most gets you down / frustrates you most during your pregnancy?
I've got around 3 more weeks for bedrest. So far, it's going by faster than I expected! :) PS- sign up for the free catalog from DHC. You get free samples with every issue and you can see if it works for you before you buy it! I love the stuff that's why I suggested it :)

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I would say weight gain and stretch marks and this racoon looking mask I have now that wont go away. Get teased a lot from the mask thing my face has gotten from my 2cd child and with being pregnant with my 3rd it has gotten worse :(

For the morning sickness/nausea trying sucking on mints it worked great for me.
Oh it was weight gain for me! I was on bedrest for more than 4 months because I had a very difficult pregnancy. Looking back, I should have been more strict with my diet because now it's too hard to take it all off!
It's most definitely my mom. I just posted about her and I'd appreciate your feedback. Then I would have to say the acne.
I couldn't care less about all the stretch marks/cravings/moles etc

What frustrated me the most during my pregnancy was my collegues and friends' attitude toward me. It's like I had become a piece of glass.

Working in a completely male dominated environment I couldn't complete a task without someone commenting that I shouldn't be doing that because I'm pregnant even if it had NOTHING that could affect the pregnancy. I'll walk a hundred metres down the road and apparently I should have a bit of a sit down because you don't want to strain yourself. Seriously! Each woman has their own boundaries and there's no way in hell YOU can tell me what they are.

Sorry lol ... I kinda was working with ALOT of men *Sigh*
My problems while pregnant mainlyyy was the gestational diabetes. I hated having to track my sugars and eat bland food when i was cravinggg a cheeseburger.

My OTHER annoyance was my cousin decided to go get knocked up while i was pregnant. I was 5 months ahead of her and from week 4 she called and complained about EVERYTHING. She would arch her back to make her non existent stomach poke out and then call herself fat.

BBG--I FEEL you on the bedrest! I forgot how crappy that was!! [Maybe because my son is 5 months old now anndd to tell the truth a little bit of bedrest would be great to have now! lol]
My mother-in-law is the most frustrating thing about pregnancy. She treats me like I'm 16 and have never been around children before. But I am 28 with 1 child already, and I have worked in childcare for years. The last time she had a baby was 30 years ago and she tries to tell me what to do all the time! (sorry, ranting!)
It wasn't until the last couple weeks. I knew i would get stretch marks and gain weight so i that wasn't such an issue. I work at a hotel and or the last week people are asking me are you having twins? I say no do i look like it? I'm due in almost 3 weeks of course i look big but still i don't need to hear it from strangers. Also with work (work full time until i go into labor) i'm on my feet a lot so my feet and ankles have swollen and my boyfriends loves to call them hobbit feet. So i can't wait until i can fit into my heels again. Also so done getting up 5 times to go pee at night, but i guess that is just preparing me for getting up with Haley, which is anything i can't wait to see her.
Well, I am only 13 weeks, but I was overweight when I got pregnant, now don't get me wrong, I am not a whale or anything, but overweight by like 20-25lbs......but so far, I haven't gained anything, so thank God for that!! Other than that, it's just the sick feeling...it hasn't been extreme and I haven't ever thrown up, but just feeling sick like I am going to throw up really blows - I think that's pretty much it, well I guess all the bathroom trips - that's no fun either!! Other than that, I am happy to be pregnant and excited, this is my first!!
In the beginning, it was the morning sickness I couldn't WAIT to get rid of! Now that it is gone, I would have to say, I sure won't miss the heartburn I get all the time, or having to pee EVERY 2 seconds, lol. Also the extra gas I never used to have, LOL. A few more.... the back pain, always leaking milk %26amp; having to wear nursing pads, ugh, they're so uncomfortable for me. (My milk always started for me in the 4th month) Also the kicking I get on my cervix! God.... I was at school the other day and she was having a field day just beating the heck out of my cervix, it was hurting so much I almost left school.

But let me stop now cause I could go on for hours....hehe. I do have quite a few things I really like about being prego though, I enjoy feeling my baby kick..seeing her at the ultrasounds, the more closeness feeling I have to the father when I'm prego. and much more! 鈾?Congrats to you!

Opps, forgot to say stretch marks! lol They have ruined my perfect stomach I had before I ever had a child, and I can no longer wear a bikini :( Which of course a few friends have to rub it in, b/c they of course didn't get ANY, except a few on their hips that are un-noticeable. Just my luck of course. lol
Ive been pregnant for almost 4 years now and its annoying me! OMG is it normal for a male to be pregnant for this long? What can I do?! I've been thinking abortion.

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