Tuesday, August 24, 2010

RANT - Anyone else tired of the weather making you sick?

Last year from Nov. - Feb I seemed to be sick non-stop! It seemed the weather here in GA would go from hot to cold! These past few weeks it's gone from like 72 or higher to now being in the 40's! It is crazy.

It seems everyone I know has sinus problems, allergies, a cold and just plain sick!

Anyone else sick of the weather making sick? I was at the Ear, Nose and Throat dr just before Thanksgiving with the mess I am still dealing with! He said it's from running the air conditioner one day then heat the next.

My kids are at my inlaws this week so my hubby %26amp; I can get some SANTA shopping done yet I'm feeling to sick to enjoy it and last thing I want right now is to out Christmas shopping. lolRANT - Anyone else tired of the weather making you sick?
It's been like 10 below here for the last couple weeks. I developed bronchitis and an ear infection from the cold irritating my mucous membranes. My doc gave me these antibiotics which say to stay out of the sun, but guess what? My in-laws bought me and my husband a cruise to Mexico starting Sunday! So what does he expect me to do? Stay inside for a week? Give me a break! He knew I was going and gave me the stuff anyway. Okay so I know this isn't exactly a rant about the weather, but it's sort of related I guess. I called and am going to pick up some different drugs right now.RANT - Anyone else tired of the weather making you sick?
i'm sick of the weather making me sick!!!!!

my job gave us a free flu shot though, love it
I AM i live in colrado and it goes from a foot deep of snow to 60 degrees in one day always gets me sick.
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