Sunday, August 22, 2010



Know what gets my goat

(apart from the plastic spoon rant)

AIrplane pretzels

spending like 3 hours twisting my hands turning and using every ounce of strength then a little guy pushing a trolly walks down the isle *puts on camp accent* ';need some help sir?'; then bam a flick of the wrist and there open

then i realise

dang there's only3 BLOODY PRETZELS!!!!!

and another thing

when your wearing a basketball jersey and someone askes if you like football

australians answering theire own questions

whats ya name bruce?

whats your favorite colour blue?

and so on

and no i don't want f***ing fries with that

its ice cream why in gods name would i want fries?

flip flops- just wrong

that fat guy without his shirt jiggling on his lawn mower

seriously now no-one needs to see thatHAVE a RANT!!!?
Well im just sooooooooo bored! im at work, theres like a massive heat wave, and i have started to smell of b.o, which is pretty disgusting even tho i have tried to disguise it. the heat is making me tired and im losing my concentration, the clock is ticking so slow and im working till 5.

there, that feels better
stupid people asking for advice about their sex life's on here.....also people who think we all want to hear about their problems or that they will find any useful answers on here.
I'm also chilled. Had my vent out on a Keira Knightly site about her ';normal'; figure. Eh some kids out there are thick SHE HAS A PROBLEM.
Ooh, it fair makes my blood boil. These (minority group), they come over here with their (derogatory physical description) and their (derogatory moral description), and they expect to be (housed/fed/medically treated/elected to parliament) at the British taxpayers' expense! It makes me (sick/weep/want to kick their teeth in). I haven't worked for (ridiculous number of) years as a (unrewarding career) just to keep those (derogatory word regarding ancestry)s in the manner to which they'd like to become accustomed.

If I had my way I'd (way over-the-top physical abuse) them, or have them (excessive mediaeval punishment)ed - it's the only language they understand.

Why, just the other day one of them (minor transgression), and I had to (get annoyed over nothing). Why should I have to put up with (insignificantly minor inconvenience) in my own (home/street/country)? Send 'em (back/to prison/to Siberia), I say!
Nope. I've had my rant today (a Q on teenage pregnancy) so am feeling pretty calm. Anyway, this is naughty, it isn't exactly a question is it? Hmmm? Nah, too chilled to report you!
Well first off I have a huge problem with the BBC and their TV license fee. Why the hell should we have to pay for a TV license when they did not even invent the TV? The programmes they show are absolute crap - I particularly cannot stand their unimaginatively boring mini-dramas starring afew of the old has-been eastender stars. We should have a choice as to whether we want the BBC instead of being forced to pay the license fee - like having sky.

Next off, idiotic drivers who stop at roundabouts even when there is clearly nothing coming. The purpose of a roundabout is to keep the traffic flowing. If you were ment to stop there would be a solid white line and a stop sign. Also I feel that the traffic police should start to take a tougher approach to people who drive too slow. If the speed limit on a road is 50mph then that is the speed at which you should travel at (as long as it is not icy or other hazardous weather conditions). If you are caught driving at 35mph with a huge tailback behind you then you should receive points on your license as you are clearly not capable of driving properly and are not confident enough.

Finally, I have to have a rant about shop managers. What is it that makes them so up themselves? Most have no qualifications and are spotty 18 year olds. In the shop I used to work in (a clothes shop) there were around 8 managers! one for ladies clothes, one for accessories, one for shoes, one for mens etc, etc, etc. It is ridiculous and I notice it whenever I go into any shop - you can spot them a mile away. They just slink about with a smug look on their faces delegating stupid tasks to the employees. And there is nothing more irritating than someone who you work with that is sooo company minded and won't have a good old ***** about how crap the company is.
It's a QUIET train carriage, you idiots. You can tell that by the signs on all the windows, you see?

There are 7 other carriages that aren't ';quiet'; ones, where you can go and scream into your phone with the polyphonic frog ringtone, yell at your friend sitting opposite from you and shriek with laughter at the people glaing at you, because they're trying to get some work done / chill out / read a book.


:-)) Phew.

Thank you - I feel much better now.
No - I am a very nice guy
  • bridal makeup
  • blackhead treatment
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