So my sister in law made me so sick yesterday! She is a single mom recently engaged. She always cries oh I need help, my daughters need, blah, blah, blah! I recently had two more children and I could use a hand frommy mom inlaw BUT she ALWAYS needs a sitter, she always NEEDS a hand and I am always alone with three. I know they are my kids but it would be nice to have lunch with my parents inlaw, they are getting older and I want my kids to hvae time with them. ANYWAY, she is always topping her sister they have daughters the same age. Her sister has an income of 300,000 per year aposed to her 30,000 which now she is unemployed. my point is she buys her kids 400 coats from abercrombie and holister clothes, expensive phones, and big jewelry an dlets her soon to be 14 year old rule her world. Let alone won't fight for child support because she is afraid if she does she won't be able to dump her kids so she can shack up over the weekend with the new fiance and mind you she can'tRANT...Sister inlaw...?
Your perfectly reasonable.
Send a card and nothing else, IF THAT!
She is obviously a mother who believes in buying love. Her shacking up with her man is causing guilt but that $300 coat for her kids makes her feel like its okay and makes kids think mama really puts them first.
Keep being yourself. Your a dang good mommy and have your head on right.
Remember, everything you do good in life, comes back to you 10x greater and everything you do in life bad (meaning the world revolve around her and her kids) will nip her in the rear 10x more when they grow up and want all that and cant afford it and file bankruptcy at 22 years old. Your setting an EXCELLENT example just by being you.
Ignore and stand proud!
See, we noticed!RANT...Sister inlaw...?
Love her. It aint worth the drama sotooping to her level. Her girls are about at the age to get really wild and worse.
Its time to teach her how to not keep taking a hand out from the family...stand firm.....not give in.....
Stand your ground.
Feel better??
My husband's mom favors his sister too. She has been living on welfare for most of the 10 years I have known her. His mom practically raised her youngest. She has her kids all the time and takes them with her everywhere she goes. She (his siter) also spends her money frivolously when she gets it. I know it can be irritating, but at the same time I feel sorry for her. I have a nice house, a good husband, healthy, happy kids that know they are worth more than the clothes that they wear. She is trying to make herself seem important by buying expensive clothes. She feels like trash on the inside, and she is trying to hide it.
Instead of looking at her with disgust, be glad you don't have to live in her petty world, that you have a stable home and that you will raise your kids right.
We used to get irritated by the obvious favoritism, but then began to realize that his mom knows our kids are taken care of, and that her kids need extra guidance, so if it seems she spends more time with your nieces, it may be for the same reason. Take it as a compliment, not an insult.
Yes you are being way to harsh and jealous. If your mother in law wants to watch her kids then thats her thing...keep your nose out of it. She will always have more closer bond with her own daughter then you...thats her blood. I think you need to mind your own business and focus more on your family and not the sister in law's issues.
ADD: Your sick of hearing her crap? well stop being the stupid one and listening to one is making you. Yea its your husbands mother but he is not the one on here b!tching about this its YOU!! Grow up. You are sooo jealous.
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