Friday, August 20, 2010

10 pts for the biggest rant?

i want to hear you rant about whatever is bothering you just tell me what it is

i will not report any of your answers

the biggest rant that i like the most will get 10pts10 pts for the biggest rant?
....and upstage Hillary's ranting and raving? I just couldn't bring myself to do that. ;)10 pts for the biggest rant?
what is bothering me is winter. Im so sick of it. Why do we have this freaking season?? it just makes everyone depressed and annoyed. I havent seen my friends in forever because the weather has been so sucky. I have to watch the weather everyday to find out if its ok to drive into work...its ridiculous...I really need to move somewhere warm...warm and cheap...maybe southern Texas....Im so annoyed with Chicago winters...they really suck
Every day I get up and go to work, hoping to remember the illusion that I'm actually doing this for myself.

But each day I pay my share of millions of welfare, federal aid, Medicare, Social Security, federal bailout, sweetheart projects, illegitimate kids, third world dictators, their thugs, petty criminals, corrupt banks, double dealing corporations, fatcat politicians, predatory litigants, billion dollar airplane crashes, brush wars (Phillipines), small wars (Afhanistan), cold wars (China), big wars (Iraq). thirteen carrier battle groups, government grants to drab art and dubious science, feckless lenders and Realtors, ignorant neighbors, rude kids, city parks, county parks, state parks, state preserves, national forests, national parks, museums, concert halls, stadiums, trails, walks, fountains, self esteem courses for crackheads, resume writing for layed off white collars, earth working projects such as the berms around New Orleans which put people in harms way rather than protects them, congressional junkets, sweetheart deals, questionable contracts, messianic environmental Cassandras, true believers of every stripe,

.... every one of them pick my pocket, though in niggling amounts per, in sum I'm working over half my day for somebody else, and not of my choosing. We are well on the way to making each individual the slave to vast number of people. It's like a time share, only thing it is your time they are sharing
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