I bought a car and its now in my name on the registration certificate and everything.
Now the guy seemed a bit old and I feel sorry for him but that won't stop me from suing his a**. But that is a different story.
Just take a look; http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i206/r…
I have not signed that, I am the buyer but he has signed it??
SO whose car is it? I have paid and its at my house?
Has he bought the car from himself?RANT PART 2; What's the deal with this? Bought a car but didn't sign anything?
it looks like he has bought a blue BMW
but that would never stand up
there is no date ,there is no engine or chassis number, so it could be any Blue BMW as the reg of the car isn't even mentioned so there's no vehicle Identity at allRANT PART 2; What's the deal with this? Bought a car but didn't sign anything?
whos name is on the title?
whos name is on the odometer statement?
those are the documents that matter most.
Speak to the DMV and be prepared to retain a lawyer.
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