Complaining about people leaving racist remarks, then generalizing about Asians and Mexicans?
So, my question is why people think it is o.k to selectively be racist towards certain ethnic groups, while fighting against racism for other ethnic groups?Stupidest question/ rant ever?
Oh wow that rant was painful to read.Stupidest question/ rant ever?
What I notice is that serious racist are totally aware and like how they are while people who tend to say little racist, discrimination, stereotypical things aren't wanting to be racist its just a slip of the tongue (or in this case the keyboard). Instead of replying with well thought out answers they kind of just blurt things out that come off wrong.
Because they are idiots. A lot of hypocrites aren't even aware of how hypocritical they are being until someone points it out to them. Its pathetic.
Because people are hypocrites.
Because secretly we are rooting for our home(your race) team!
Not to be racist or anything......
Because we are all our own island.
Does that make sense?
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